Why do we blog

Blogging is a great tool to use because we can learn how to share our work with the world! If you have just written it in a book then who would read it apart from you and the teacher and maybe our parent if we ever take our book home?
Also if you have your own blog you can learn how to use the computer in a different way, like instead of just searching for things we can learn how to make links like this: www.teamroom8.blogspot.com
we love managing our own blogs because they don't only have to be boring and all just words they can be fun and we can learn how to add lots of little gadgets like fish and a shark and lots and lots more!
By Ruby!!!


Reflection Post

Abseiling by Ruby D
We made a poster on something we did at camp and I am doing abseiling, we had to create a poster explaining what we did step by step.
Here is the poster I created on abseiling and what we did step by step.

Camp reflection

On the 21st to the 24th of November, the year sixes went to Borland lodge for their end of year camp, we had Adventure Southland come for 2 days and take some activities.

I really enjoyed camp. I especially liked having Adventure Southland come and take activities, my favourite thing that they took was rafting and abseiling.

I didn't like the fact that we had to wake up so early in the morning, because we were up so late at night.

I also enjoyed getting lots of free time, because we got to play around camp and EXPLORE!

If I was able to change the camp a bit, I would have Adventure Southland come for longer, because I really enjoyed having them come.

Some advice for next years campers is don't get tired on the first day of camp because you really need your energy, get a good sleep the night before so don't talk to much at night, and have fun!!!


What has been happening

This week for inquiry, for my sculpting we made wire sculptures and I learnt that wire is very hard to work with and takes time and patience, we had to make something that represents our face.
Mine looks ugly.
Next time for Art we are making fork sculptures and then after the year sixes have come back from camp we are making a BIG sculpture for the school


The four key elements of Art


This week on Monday we had Pet Day.
The Ukelele, Recorder and aerobics people preformed in the afternoon.
I got second in the lamb drinking race, and third in the judging.

Also this week we got a new learning plan and this is what it looks like:
We have to complete these things before Thursday lunch time.


Once there was an egg

Once there was an egg,
the egg couldn't crack,
he tried and tried,
he even rolled off the edge of a cliff (or thats what he thinks)
he jumped up and down,
his brothers and sisters teased him,
he tried everything,
until one day he found out that. . .
his feet hadn't grown neither his legs or ears,
so the egg waited ans waited,
until one day he could hear and he could feel his feet,
and he CRACKED!

Here is my show me on how to use speech marks

This is a show me on how to use speech marks.

Reflection on week 2 term 4

This week we have started a Learning Plan and we have a certain amount of things that need to be done before Thursday lunch time.

We have a different learning plan according to what writing group we are in.
Some of the things we have to do are like explaining how to use speech marks on a 'Show Me' on the Ipad and post it on your blog. You can see mine above.

 For inquiry we are doing the arts like drama, music, visual arts and dance.
We get to choose 1 to do for the rest of the term and I am going to do visual arts (I hope.)