Why do we blog

Blogging is a great tool to use because we can learn how to share our work with the world! If you have just written it in a book then who would read it apart from you and the teacher and maybe our parent if we ever take our book home?
Also if you have your own blog you can learn how to use the computer in a different way, like instead of just searching for things we can learn how to make links like this: www.teamroom8.blogspot.com
we love managing our own blogs because they don't only have to be boring and all just words they can be fun and we can learn how to add lots of little gadgets like fish and a shark and lots and lots more!
By Ruby!!!


Water explaination

Water is an everyday thing, there are three different forms of water, they are solid liquid and gas.

Water (just the normal stuff that usually falls from the sky.) Is a liquid form of matter where the atoms move not that fast or not that slow.

If you want to turn water into ice then you need to have a temperature about 0 degrees c.

The atoms inside the water slow down and get closer when they get colder, and they speed up and go further apart when they get hotter.

Here are a few examples of frozen atoms:
Hail, ice blocks, snow, and dry ice.

So there you have it, water can be turned in to ice. Just remember that the atoms slow down when clod and speed up when hot.


  1. This is a great explanation, Ruby. You've started with a good introduction and your paragraphs are well structured with your key points.

    Could you add an image to break up the text and give it some more interest?

    Nice job.

  2. Hi Mr Herring, thanks for the feedback, I really enjoy getting comments and feedback. I will add a picture soon. But I don't know what kind of picture to add???
