Why do we blog

Blogging is a great tool to use because we can learn how to share our work with the world! If you have just written it in a book then who would read it apart from you and the teacher and maybe our parent if we ever take our book home?
Also if you have your own blog you can learn how to use the computer in a different way, like instead of just searching for things we can learn how to make links like this: www.teamroom8.blogspot.com
we love managing our own blogs because they don't only have to be boring and all just words they can be fun and we can learn how to add lots of little gadgets like fish and a shark and lots and lots more!
By Ruby!!!



Hi again, I'm now going to tell you about our epals, My epal is a girl named Raquel. We sent our first email to them, but we are waiting for a reply still. The epals are from America, Wisconsin in Suamico. I can't wait to learn more about where they live and how different it really is. I am really excited  to hear back from her.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mrs Hughes, I really can't wait to hear back from our epals I am so excited! I was thinking that we could give our epals a half tour of Invercargill and New Zealand, Like we could video us going to places like the muesuem, Bluff, Riverton, Queens Park, Schools like James Hargest, Girls High, Verdon, Myross Bush, Salford, Rimu and lits more, we could also interveiw some people and ask them what they like about being a kiwi and what they think is really special to them about Invercargill and New Zealand.
