Why do we blog

Blogging is a great tool to use because we can learn how to share our work with the world! If you have just written it in a book then who would read it apart from you and the teacher and maybe our parent if we ever take our book home?
Also if you have your own blog you can learn how to use the computer in a different way, like instead of just searching for things we can learn how to make links like this: www.teamroom8.blogspot.com
we love managing our own blogs because they don't only have to be boring and all just words they can be fun and we can learn how to add lots of little gadgets like fish and a shark and lots and lots more!
By Ruby!!!


April Fools

Hi again,
To day is April Fools Day, Rooms 8 & 7 got really pranked we got tricked that there was a helicopter coming and was going to give us rides and I was going to go first with Aisling, Devon, Karen, Ben, Travis and Wilson, so we are getting even with our teachers Mrs Wilcox and Miss Stewart so we are hiding in Room 8 and we locked all the doors and we are not letting them in.


  1. Hi Ruby,

    It was so funny when we locked the teachers out on APRIL FOOLS.
    bye, sophiew

  2. I am so sorry I missed out on all the fun Ruby! What a brilliant practical joke. I'm sure you will all come up with ways to get us back! :-)

  3. That sounds like fun, I wished I could have been there. I didn't get a chance to do any pranks as we were in a mini van all morning.

  4. That sounds funny from Amelia and Eliza

  5. Ha thats funny,
    I'm starting a new blog could you give me some tips?
