Why do we blog

Blogging is a great tool to use because we can learn how to share our work with the world! If you have just written it in a book then who would read it apart from you and the teacher and maybe our parent if we ever take our book home?
Also if you have your own blog you can learn how to use the computer in a different way, like instead of just searching for things we can learn how to make links like this: www.teamroom8.blogspot.com
we love managing our own blogs because they don't only have to be boring and all just words they can be fun and we can learn how to add lots of little gadgets like fish and a shark and lots and lots more!
By Ruby!!!

Great Eight

Hi here is the page where I tell you about what is happening in our awesome, crazy room 8!!!
In Room 8 at the moment we are working on science we are finding out about matter and for the production we are having an oscar night.
So we are making videos about science for the oscar night they will be judged and there will be a prize for the winning video.
The year 6's will be hosting the oscar night.
I am really excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For my video I am with Zach, Cameron and Olivia,
Also we have just finished with our animations you can see mine on you tube it is called Persisting Punk Talkers I made it with Kees and Sean.
here is the address : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWQu6hhakLI&feature=player_embedded